
Pontiac District 90 provides a wide variety of activities which address the physical, social, and academic interests of its students. Activities are open to all students. Students have opportunities to develop leadership skills, provide service to the school and community, and expand their special interests. Students are encouraged to avail themselves of the opportunity of joining at least one club. Any group interested in creating a school club must consult with the Principal on plans, ideas, and possible sponsorship.  For more information on our co-curricular activities, please click the link to our Student Handbook.  

Activity Sponsor Contact Information
Art Club
Nick Vogt
[email protected]
Senior Class Sponsor
Joseph Campbell
[email protected]
Junior Class Sponsor Danny Fiorini
Rachel Erschen
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sophomore Class Sponsor Brad Christie
Ryan Woith
[email protected]
[email protected]
Freshmen Class Sponsor

Nathan Stein
Kim Hoss
[email protected]
[email protected]
Michael Soares
Brian Blair
[email protected]
[email protected]
Stephanie Nelson
Amy Richardson
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jesse Faber
[email protected]
Beth Kuerth
[email protected]
Key Club
Jack Bristow
[email protected]
Law Enforcement Club
Jack Bristow
[email protected]
Math Team
Jacob Krause
[email protected]
National Honor Society
Member Documentation
Brad Christie
Chad Shepherd
[email protected]
[email protected]
Peer Partners

Peers in Action


April Schneeman
Emilyn Kuta

[email protected]
[email protected]
Post Prom Committee
Jack Bristow
[email protected]
PTHS Broadcasting
John Neisler
[email protected]
Scholastic Bowl
Kaleigh Buchanan
Thomas McElwee
[email protected]
[email protected]
Science Club
Paul Ritter
[email protected]
Special Olympics
Heather Christenson
[email protected]
Student Council
Joseph Durbin
Cal Hackler
[email protected]
[email protected]
Technology Club
Doug Masching
[email protected]
Joseph Durbin
[email protected]

Pontiac Peer Club The mission of The Pontiac Peer Club is to create a positive environment within the school and serve as an outlet for our peers to utilize when struggling with difficulties in their own lives.

Are you struggling with a problem? Do you need to sit down and talk with a member of our Peer Club about a difficult situation you’re going through?

To get connected with a member of the Pontiac Peer Club please contact the Assistant Principal.  Members are expected to be respectful and kind with any peers they interact with.  Discussions are to be held confidentially unless there is a risk to someone’s safety.  All discussions are to always be non-judgmental.  All members are expected to be supportive and positive.