Policies and Documents

ESSERIII Use of Funds (.pdf)

Hearing Notice for Tuition Waiver

Board Policy Manual (.zip)

Bullying and Harassment Policy (.pdf)

Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Policy (.pdf)

Mandatory Board Trainings

Compensation Report for 2024 (.pdf)

PEA Certified Staff Negotiated Agreement for 2025-2028 (.pdf)

Staff Association Negotiated Agreement 2025-2028 (.pdf)

Board Election Resources for Elections (IASB)

2022-2023 Discipline Improvement Plan (.pdf)

Wellness Policy (.pdf)

IMRF Compensation Report FY23
Per 5 ILCS 120/7.3, District 90 is required to post the total compensation package for each IMRF employee earning more than $75,000 per year. This is available upon request from the District Office.