Board of Education

Member Title
Contact Information
Diemer, Teresa
[email protected]
Heller, Jake
[email protected]
Lambert, Don   [email protected]
Masching, Bill   [email protected]
Ralph, Ashley
[email protected]
Sartoris, Nick Vice President [email protected]
Schrock, Dale President [email protected]
Carter, Kelly Board Secretary [email protected]
Keller, Drew Treasurer

Role of the Board of Education: 
The seven members of the Board of Education are locally elected citizens who serve without pay for a four-year term of office (unless appointed to a two year term). They are responsible for the educational program, as well as the facilities and grounds of Pontiac Township High School. The Board is required to conduct the school in accordance with Constitution of the State of Illinois, the Illinois School Code, rules and regulations set down by the Illinois State Board of Education, and the rules and regulations which have been developed and adopted by this Board of Education. The Board of Education is a policy-making body delegating the administration of the school district to the Superintendent.

Per 105 ILCS 205/20, school board members elected or appointed to their seat after June 2011 are required to complete a minimum of four hours of professional development leadership training. This training must be completed in the first year of their term and covers topics such as education and labor law, financial oversight and accountability, and fiduciary responsibilities of board members. School board members are also required to complete training on the Open Meetings Act. To view a current listing of Board Members training, please click the link below:

Board Member Certifications

Board Election Packet

FOIA Requests

Full access to the District's public records is available to any person as provided in the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and District policies. A request for inspection and/or copies of public records must be made in writing and directed to the District's Freedom of Information Officer as follows:

Jon Kilgore, Chief FOIA Officer
Pontiac Township High School District 90
1100 Indiana Avenue, Pontiac, IL 61764
[email protected]

Persons making a request for copies of public records must pay ay applicable copying fee. The District will provide the firs 50 pages of letter or legal sized copies at no charge and additional pages will be provided for a fee of 15 cents per page. No copying fee shall be charges for electronic copies other than the actual cost of the recording medium. Fees will no include the cost of any search for and review of records or personnel costs associated with finding or reproducing records. Documents shall be furnished without charge or at a reduced charge where the District determines that a waiver or reduction is in the public interest.