In the event of severe weather conditions or a building emergency, school closings will be announced through the following:
Please make sure your contact information is correct in Skyward when you complete online registration every year. Please contact the main office to make any contact information changes.
Pontiac District 90 Website (
Go to the front page of our district website for further information.
Text Messaging
Parents can receive messages through our text messaging system. To take advantage of this service, send a text message of "Y" or "Yes" to our school's short code number, 67587. Your cell phone number needs to be part of your contact information in Skyward for your number to be activated. Please contact the main office to make any contact information changes.

Please Note
In the event school is closed, athletic and activity events will be handled on an individual basis as to whether these scheduled events will be held.
To be sure you receive the most current information regarding Emergency Closings, be sure you update your contact information every year during online registration and then contact the main office should this information change at any time during the year.